Image 2- Making of- Berlin skyline- tape art by Ostap-2016

Live Show – Berlin skyline

Live Tape Art Show for DEGEWO

Recently, I had the opportunity to participate in a live event, at the Urban Spree Gallery, where my services were required. The task was to recreate the Berlin Skyline building in tape, not being able to say no to such an occasion. The Berlin Skyline is quite an impressive creation, having around 2000 apartments, about a half being built over a highway. Yes, space and traffic are two issues in such a large city, so this was an ingenious way to offer people places to live, while not affecting the traffic in the area. In my opinion, this is one of the most iconic images in Berlin, which shows the face of a modern city, ready to adapt to any situation and develop harmoniously into the future.

Berlin skyline- finished duct tape artwork- live show by Ostap

Berlin skyline- live tape art by Ostap for DEGEWO

The perfect motif – Skyline

The entire performance lasted for 5 hours in a row, time in which anyone was able to see me working. I appreciate a lot doing this kind of activities because I feel that the viewers will not just see the final work, but also get engaged and involved in the making process. People may be tempted to say that it is not hard to use duct tape for creating art, so these occasions are perfect to allow them to see how everything is made. Because Berlin is such a dynamic city, I preferred using strong and lively colors for creating the image of the Skyline. Lime green, deep blue, turquoise and black were my choices this time. When I need to create the image of something, I cannot interpret it my way, because I cannot change what already exists. So I prefer playing with colors, thinking outside the box.