Wandelism Tape Art- Emergence of tape spray Can installation by Slava Ostap

On the first day, God created … the window | “Wandelism” project

The structure of package tape artwork- Slava Ostap for Wandelism

Close up of the package tape artwork surface

Packing tape art at the “Wandelism” exhibition

The art project „Wandelism“ in Berlin was unique: On more than 2000 square meters, 15 rooms and 2 halls Street Artists could let their creativity flow – and transform an old car dealership into a huge art object in four weeks. Numerous artists from Germany and the whole world were there; among them me and my SELFMADECREW.

90 Artists, One Theme

The big theme of “Wandelism”? Change! While Berlin is admired worldwide for its creativity and art, more and more areas for free development, self-realization, and creativity are disappearing in the city. The exhibition also disappeared: after Easter, the entire building was demolished.

Incidentally, part of the revenue was donated to a charitable project!

Closeup- Packing tape art- Spray can- Wandelism

Spray Cap out of Tape

Red packing tape art- Spray Can installation-Wandelism

The audience is excited

My Idea: Spray Can As a Symbol

I wanted to create something colorful, creative, and gaudy. And my art should obviously match with the theme of the exhibition. I decided to use a large spray can as a motif. Why? Because Graffiti is also changing! Graffiti is no longer vandalism, but urban art, pop art – and a recognized art form. Not so long ago, a spray can probably have had quite different associations. And all the artists at “Wandelism” have played their part in this transformation.

Tape art spray can- street art by Ostap and Selfmadecrew

Spray can- glued with parcel tape

Spray and packing tape artwork- Wandelism AndAgain- OstapArtist

“Wandelism AndAgain”

My implementation: Tape and Spray

The technique of street art has also changed: Graffiti no longer needs to be sprayed with paint, it can be taped as well! I, therefore, didn’t only spray my motif but mostly used brown parcel tape. Red packing tape and blue paint were also used for optical accents.

The only thing I sprayed was the blue paint. Through the combination of tape and spray art, I managed to provide transparency, to make optimum use of the lighting conditions in the room.

Spray Can-packing tape installation art- Wandelism- Ostap Artist 2018

Finished artwork (wall and window)

And once again it showed: Adhesive tape is excellently suited for interior design. And it has a big advantage compared to other Urban Artforms: Tape can easily be removed. So, “Temporary Vandalism” is the magic word./p>

The Wandelism project was a huge success. There were so many visitors that the exhibition was even extended by one week. At this point we would like to thank the project coordinators Diamona & Harnisch. It was a real pleasure to participate in this unique project! Thank you!

Packing tape and spray art for Wandelism AndAgain- OstapArtist

Spray Can Update 2 for “Wandelism AndAgain”

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