Video of live performance- “Dancing with a Duct Tape”

In summer 2015, invited the Berlin-based cultural space “Dock-11” to its unusual art action- “Dancing with a Duct Tape”. Dance, music, and duct tape– Sounds interesting?!
Slava Ostap may not be missing!

The factory floor at the Kastanienallee is the casting space, teaching studio, and dance stage in one. The program complemented by theater, literature, music, visual arts, film, or live performance. However, the focus of every performance to pure dance elements.
For this interactive performance, as usual, the sponsor was the company.
Idea was to connect dance with art – to impress the visitors in an unprecedented manner and to surprise.
Ostap was not the only artist at the event. Together with his team, stuck an engaging duct tape installation invited to play, and acted interactively with the visitors as an integral part of this show.


Ostap interactive

The tapes stretched from floor to ceiling and created optically a different dimension. The dancers were praying his installation downright and danced in perfect harmony to futuristic sound. The organizer, the visitors, and present artists were thrilled.
“It was a great experience, and exciting to interact with the artists. The idea with the tape art in combination with this project really surpassed everything “- said many of the visitors. And they are right. Artworks and installations of tape create a depth and stimulate interpretation like it otherwise provides otherwise.
“Dancing with a Duct Tape” – convinces everybody.